Emergency First-Aid Must-Haves for Travellers

In case of a medical emergency, you must have the basic supplies that can help you in a variety of situations. Since you are travelling, you don’t have a local physician to help, and you definitely won’t have the ability to check out the street value of Oxycontin and any other medications that you may need while away.

Because of this, you need to make sure that you compile travel medicine and an emergency first aid kit that can help you in any situation. So, let’s learn more.

In general, when you’re traveling, it’s wise to know the basics of CPR & First Aid techniques. Taking a quick training course in case of an emergency is essential, especially if you’re going to a place that has a water body. In these situations, knowing how to help in case someone needs to be rescued could be a life-saver.

Here’s a list of emergency first-aid must-haves for travellers:

  • Antiseptic wipes

A major concern for travellers is scratching or getting a bacterial infection on their skin during a trip. Whether it’s a cut, bug bite, or sunburn, it’s important to have a skin first-aid kit with you wherever you go. Antiseptic wipes help keep your skin healthy and clean.

  • Plasters (Bandages)

In the event of an accident or injury, there are two main ways to treat wounds: by applying topical medication or splinting or bandaging the wound. While the latter is certainly better than not treating the wound at all, it’s important to remember that there is only so much that you can do when it comes to Band-Aids.

  • Gauze

Sterile gauze is an essential piece of emergency first aid equipment since it is used to absorb blood from the umbilicus (belly button) and the nose, among other things. This is because blood tends to pool up in these regions, which makes it difficult to breathe and causes other health issues. Sterile gauze can also be used to cover wounds, such as minor cuts and scrapes that are not deep enough to require stitches.

  • Pain relief medication

If you suffer from any kind of chronic pain, you know how difficult it can be to function daily. When some pain is severe, it can be all-consuming, especially when the stresses of everyday life exacerbate it. Fortunately, several types of pain relief medication are available to help ease your pain. For some green alternatives, you can also Order Concentrates Online based on cannabis, provided that they are legal in the country you are planning to travel to. However, provided the miraculous benefits cannabis is said to offer, it could be worth that little research.

  • Antihistamine cream

Fever is a common symptom of infection, and when you don’t want to take a pill (or suffer the side effects), antiseptic creams are one of the most effective ways to keep you from getting sick. There are many reasons to use them, and one of the more practical is that antiseptic creams contain active ingredients that prevent infection from spreading from one part of your body to another.

  • Antibacterial creams

A new antibiotic-free wonder, the silver bullet in the fight against all infections, it seems. “Antibacterial creams” are the newest craze, and they’ve become a must-have for everyone’s first-aid kit. These miracle creams are even being sold in the airport in case you fall prey to a cut or burn. But is such magic possible? The antibacterial properties of silver are well-known, and doctors have been using it in medicine for centuries.

  • Crepe bandages (ACE or elastic bandages)

In case of emergency, a crepe bandage is a perfect choice for alleviating pain and swelling. Unfortunately, although these bandages are excellent for applying to a range of injuries, they are not very good at preventing bleeding. This is why it is important to have an ACE (Absorbent Surge Cooling) or an elastic bandage in your first aid kit. These bandages are made from a special type of fabric that allows them to hold a lot of fluid and also provide more elasticity.

  • Surgical tape

A non-medical person, when travelling, should first consider treating minor scratches or cuts with bandages like surgical tape. This is because it will protect the wound and stop it from bleeding in the first place. Such a simple thing when using proper first aid, but a big contributing factor if you don’t. So, it’s always safest to be prepared, especially considering how easy it is to get medical attention if you need it.

  • Small scissors

If you’ve ever had to cut off part of your pants but realised you were wearing a pair of nice shoes and a nice dress, you’ll know the pain of having no access to scissors when you need them. Luckily, a pair of small scissors is a good, portable emergency first-aid kit for travellers and backpackers.

  • Tweezers

Staying healthy at festivals, hiking trails, and road trips can be a struggle when you are constantly on the move, but it is important to keep your body clean and undamaged. A lot of people go to festivals with a dedicated first aid kit, and while this is a great idea, there is another option: emergency tweezers designed to help you repair minor wounds and cuts.

First aid is an essential part of a traveller’s emergency kit, whether it is for planning a trip or right before boarding a plane. But knowing what to bring along doesn’t always mean it will be useful in an emergency.

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